Have you ever tried to attract wealth in a hurry? It probably didn't work too well, did it? That's because the harder you try to hurry anything, you communicate feelings of panick, desperation and neediness to the universe, which means you can only receive back more situations that make you feel that way - which probably does not include great sums of money and abundance.
The law of attraction simply mirrors back everything you think, feel and believe. If you keep thinking that you don't have enough money, feeling annoyed or fearful about not having enough money, and believing that you don't have enough money, what happens? Those "truths" are returned to you in your physical surroundings.
And the longer you think, feel and believe in those things, the stronger they get so changing them becomes more and more of a challenge.
If you were able to completely transform your focus in one day, you would be able to increase your level of wealth in one day, but most people are not able to do so quickly. Their habits of thought are very old, and very ingrained so they can't help but keep reverting back to them.
The more they focus in those old, habitual ways, the more situations they keep attracting that match them, which makes their feelings stronger, which attracts still more uncomfortable situations - the cycle can continue like that for decades.
Believe it or not, the process of wealth attraction CAN be speeded up. It does not have to take a long time to transform your financial situation, but it depends on how effectively you can transform your habit of thought so that you are more attuned to abundance than lack.
How do you do that?
Think for a minute about the vibrational essence of abundance. How does abundance feel? How do you feel when you have plenty of money? Probably you feel at peace, you feel happy, you experience feelings of freedom and lightness, you feel secure, and so on.
THOSE feelings are the very ones you need to keep connecting with if you want to draw wealth into your life. You can do that in many different ways, like visualizing yourself having plenty of money, or focusing on physical activities that make you feel happy, lighthearted, free, secure, safe, and peaceful.
But you have to do it regularly! Every single day it should be your strongest intention to carefully direct your thoughts and actions so that they make you feel attuned to wealth and abundance. If you do so only occasionally, nothing will change. You have to devote yourself to it daily, and within a fairly short period of time you should see some progress. It may be small progress at first, but it will keep getting bigger the longer you stick with it.
You can even hurry the process along by committing yourself to intensifying the joyful feelings as much as you possibly can. The stronger and more genuine your feelings are, the more vibrational progress you'll make, and eventually it will translate into material progress too.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Remembering The Golden Years
In these trying times it's important to start branching off and learn more about the factors that affect us financially. Economics was a class that I glazed over and put the bare minimum of effort in order to pass. But now that the recession is over a year old and the number of unemployed Americans is in double digits, learning at least the economic essentials is a must. The first issue I decided to learn about was the gold standard. I use the past tense because Richard Nixon discarded the standard on August 15, 1971.
Before we go back in time and understand the history involved, let's get the concept of the gold standard down. It is defined as, "A commitment by participating countries to fix the prices of their domestic currencies in terms of a specified amount of gold. National money and other forms of money (bank deposits and notes) were freely converted into gold at the fixed price." Basically, the gold standard was embraced in an effort create an even playing field across all national economies.
Historically, the United States used a variety of precious metals upon which it based its currency. The two most prominent have been gold and silver. Bimetallicism -- as it's known -- was enacted by Congress via the Standard Act. Now it's important to also know that whenever there is a recession or depression, governments hate having such a shiny standard. What they like doing in such dire times is print more money giving the immediate illusion that markets are holding fast and steady. They don't like having to worry about a standard to uphold because that only slows the printing presses. But that's not how it works.
This tactic of printing more money is a favorite of central banks worldwide. When one powerful economy, like that of the United States, begins to print more money, so too, in most cases, do the banks of foreign nations. This had and still has -- a tremendous effect on the Forex (or Foreign Currency) markets. To keep parity with the dollar, they must print more or less money.
Since 1971, every major currency worldwide has become a fiat currency, that is, it has no intrinsic value. It is only as valued as it is accepted for goods and services. The hidden danger involved is in the inflation that arbitrary printing causes. It has been estimated that the buying power of a 1971 dollar is now roughly eight cents to the dollar. Without a peg to the dollar, the Fed can print as much as it wants, thereby causing a massive tide of inflation that has the potential to flood our everyday lives.
Before we go back in time and understand the history involved, let's get the concept of the gold standard down. It is defined as, "A commitment by participating countries to fix the prices of their domestic currencies in terms of a specified amount of gold. National money and other forms of money (bank deposits and notes) were freely converted into gold at the fixed price." Basically, the gold standard was embraced in an effort create an even playing field across all national economies.
Historically, the United States used a variety of precious metals upon which it based its currency. The two most prominent have been gold and silver. Bimetallicism -- as it's known -- was enacted by Congress via the Standard Act. Now it's important to also know that whenever there is a recession or depression, governments hate having such a shiny standard. What they like doing in such dire times is print more money giving the immediate illusion that markets are holding fast and steady. They don't like having to worry about a standard to uphold because that only slows the printing presses. But that's not how it works.
This tactic of printing more money is a favorite of central banks worldwide. When one powerful economy, like that of the United States, begins to print more money, so too, in most cases, do the banks of foreign nations. This had and still has -- a tremendous effect on the Forex (or Foreign Currency) markets. To keep parity with the dollar, they must print more or less money.
Since 1971, every major currency worldwide has become a fiat currency, that is, it has no intrinsic value. It is only as valued as it is accepted for goods and services. The hidden danger involved is in the inflation that arbitrary printing causes. It has been estimated that the buying power of a 1971 dollar is now roughly eight cents to the dollar. Without a peg to the dollar, the Fed can print as much as it wants, thereby causing a massive tide of inflation that has the potential to flood our everyday lives.
Surprising Blockages That Hold One Back To Attracting Wealth
When it comes to attracting wealth into your life, you may already be aware of the dangers of focusing on lack or scarcity, being impatient, and getting frustrated about financial challenges. What you may not know is that there are many other ways to block your wealth from arriving, and some of them are quite surprising until you analyze them further.
Below are three of these surprising blockages, along with easy tips for clearing them:
Wealth Blockage #1 - Stress
When you envision your wonderful, wealthy life, you probably don't imagine yourself feeling stressed and annoyed, do you? That's because you believe that having plenty of money would dramatically improve your peace of mind and make you feel happier. And indeed, it probably would.
However, if you spend a lot of time feeling stressed now, you are broadcasting a signal to the universe that you are stressed, which means you can only attract more circumstances that keep you feeling stressed. This is true even if you feel stressed about other situations besides money!
To allow wealth into your life, you need to find ways to feel relaxed and happy NOW - just as you will when you do have plenty of money. You can meditate each day, focus on feeling peaceful, pretend that you feel very calm, or any number of other techniques. However you do it, you will notice a difference in your outer circumstances as you begin to attract more and more situations that indeed reflect your inner peace.
Wealth Blockage #2 - Boredom
If you are like most people, you probably live your life on autopilot much of the time. You get up each morning and go about your daily routine, which probably doesn't inspire you very much. The problem with that is similar to the tip above - the more you feel bored and uninspired, the more situations you will attract that keep you feeling bored and uninspired, which probably won't include great wealth.
Clearing this blockage is super-easy: spend time each day getting EXCITED about wealth. Imagine the details of how your life will be once you have more money flowing in. Feel the feelings of joy and inspiration as you imagine traveling the world, starting a new business, meeting the love of your life, decorating your dream home, or any other adventures that would come along with your wealth.
The more excited and passionate you get now, the faster you will begin attracting those exciting life circumstances!
Wealth Blockage #3 - Determination
Being determined to attract great wealth may seem like a good idea - until you realize that the harder you try to change your existing circumstances, the more blocked you get! Instead, attracting wealth needs to be a relaxed, fun venture, because after all, having great wealth would be relaxing and fun, right?
One of the best ways to clear this blockage is by making a concentrated effort to DETACH from the need to create great wealth. Rather than trying to force it to happen from a sense of "need", make it your mission to let go and have fun with the process. The more relaxed and detached you can be, the more you will clear the pathway for wealth to enter your life, simply because you will be a vibrational match to it.
Below are three of these surprising blockages, along with easy tips for clearing them:
Wealth Blockage #1 - Stress
When you envision your wonderful, wealthy life, you probably don't imagine yourself feeling stressed and annoyed, do you? That's because you believe that having plenty of money would dramatically improve your peace of mind and make you feel happier. And indeed, it probably would.
However, if you spend a lot of time feeling stressed now, you are broadcasting a signal to the universe that you are stressed, which means you can only attract more circumstances that keep you feeling stressed. This is true even if you feel stressed about other situations besides money!
To allow wealth into your life, you need to find ways to feel relaxed and happy NOW - just as you will when you do have plenty of money. You can meditate each day, focus on feeling peaceful, pretend that you feel very calm, or any number of other techniques. However you do it, you will notice a difference in your outer circumstances as you begin to attract more and more situations that indeed reflect your inner peace.
Wealth Blockage #2 - Boredom
If you are like most people, you probably live your life on autopilot much of the time. You get up each morning and go about your daily routine, which probably doesn't inspire you very much. The problem with that is similar to the tip above - the more you feel bored and uninspired, the more situations you will attract that keep you feeling bored and uninspired, which probably won't include great wealth.
Clearing this blockage is super-easy: spend time each day getting EXCITED about wealth. Imagine the details of how your life will be once you have more money flowing in. Feel the feelings of joy and inspiration as you imagine traveling the world, starting a new business, meeting the love of your life, decorating your dream home, or any other adventures that would come along with your wealth.
The more excited and passionate you get now, the faster you will begin attracting those exciting life circumstances!
Wealth Blockage #3 - Determination
Being determined to attract great wealth may seem like a good idea - until you realize that the harder you try to change your existing circumstances, the more blocked you get! Instead, attracting wealth needs to be a relaxed, fun venture, because after all, having great wealth would be relaxing and fun, right?
One of the best ways to clear this blockage is by making a concentrated effort to DETACH from the need to create great wealth. Rather than trying to force it to happen from a sense of "need", make it your mission to let go and have fun with the process. The more relaxed and detached you can be, the more you will clear the pathway for wealth to enter your life, simply because you will be a vibrational match to it.
Genuine ApproachesTo Getting Rich
If your life is in a rut and you feel you are going nowhere especially on the subject of money then what you need do is take steps to get it started yourself. No-one is going to do it for you. There is nothing wrong in dreaming and fantasizing about what you want, so long as you take the required actions and steps to make it all manifest for you.
Play all the money games you can think of, like pretending to spend $1000 every day and each day add another thousand so you get to spend more and remember to get the feeling of spending heaps of money so it becomes a 'normal' feeling for you. Whatever takes your fancy... it will all help you in your quest to becoming a millionaire.
All these things give your intentions power and enhances your good 'feelings'. But that alone is not enough! You need to mobilize into action.
Take note of any inspiration that comes your way, be aware and notice opportunities that present themselves to you. After a while you will begin to see these opportunities as soon as they appear and you will know to take action and not dismiss it. At least, you will be more aware of them and be able to make quick decisions on whether to act or not. If you want to be rich, not only in money but anything you desire, then you will need to think like someone who already has everything they want.
Taking note of the happenings in your life is inspiring, positive and mind shifting. What your job is then, is to take up the challenge and figure out what steps you need to take to move forward to achieving your goal of becoming a millionaire. When you act quickly you get the opportunity to shine but when you delay, that opportunity will more than likely end up in the hands of the next willing person to take it and run.
Everyone on this planet has a gift to give, never devalue yourself. With the skills and talents you have, you can be of benefit to others. We all know something about a topic that others are interested in. By sharing what you know with others, you reap benefits that come from the act of sharing. Find your 'gap' in the marketplace - a need or desire that has been identified but not fulfilled. Find a solution to the needs of others with your skills.
By doing this, you can be really creative and use your gifts to help others create services or products that have value. You can create and generate an income for yourself in this way. According to the 'Law of Income', you are paid in direct relationship to the value you provide to others.
If what you do can help others in some way to live a better life and succeed at something they wish to do, your value contribution will grow enormously. To receive value you need to give value - this is how the 'Law of Attraction' works. You get back what you put out - it's magnetic.
When you align your thoughts and actions with your life purpose, you have the power to live a more successful, abundant and happy life. When you start to consciously direct your thoughts to more positive outcomes, especially helping other people to succeed more in their lives, you will attract more of that into your experience as well.
The three magic ingredients of Thought, Action and Providing Value are well worth remembering. You need to create it in your mind first, daydream a lot, only then can it become a reality.
By using the simple tools that you have inside yourself (your ability to care about what you think about and how you feel) you can actually start changing your life dramatically right away. Developing yourself as a person is an ongoing responsibility that you have to yourself. So don't wait, start developing your wealth muscles now - go out and find mentors who can help you on your path to success, whether it be marketing, real estate, share market or even just yourself as a person. You never stop learning.
Play all the money games you can think of, like pretending to spend $1000 every day and each day add another thousand so you get to spend more and remember to get the feeling of spending heaps of money so it becomes a 'normal' feeling for you. Whatever takes your fancy... it will all help you in your quest to becoming a millionaire.
All these things give your intentions power and enhances your good 'feelings'. But that alone is not enough! You need to mobilize into action.
Take note of any inspiration that comes your way, be aware and notice opportunities that present themselves to you. After a while you will begin to see these opportunities as soon as they appear and you will know to take action and not dismiss it. At least, you will be more aware of them and be able to make quick decisions on whether to act or not. If you want to be rich, not only in money but anything you desire, then you will need to think like someone who already has everything they want.
Taking note of the happenings in your life is inspiring, positive and mind shifting. What your job is then, is to take up the challenge and figure out what steps you need to take to move forward to achieving your goal of becoming a millionaire. When you act quickly you get the opportunity to shine but when you delay, that opportunity will more than likely end up in the hands of the next willing person to take it and run.
Everyone on this planet has a gift to give, never devalue yourself. With the skills and talents you have, you can be of benefit to others. We all know something about a topic that others are interested in. By sharing what you know with others, you reap benefits that come from the act of sharing. Find your 'gap' in the marketplace - a need or desire that has been identified but not fulfilled. Find a solution to the needs of others with your skills.
By doing this, you can be really creative and use your gifts to help others create services or products that have value. You can create and generate an income for yourself in this way. According to the 'Law of Income', you are paid in direct relationship to the value you provide to others.
If what you do can help others in some way to live a better life and succeed at something they wish to do, your value contribution will grow enormously. To receive value you need to give value - this is how the 'Law of Attraction' works. You get back what you put out - it's magnetic.
When you align your thoughts and actions with your life purpose, you have the power to live a more successful, abundant and happy life. When you start to consciously direct your thoughts to more positive outcomes, especially helping other people to succeed more in their lives, you will attract more of that into your experience as well.
The three magic ingredients of Thought, Action and Providing Value are well worth remembering. You need to create it in your mind first, daydream a lot, only then can it become a reality.
By using the simple tools that you have inside yourself (your ability to care about what you think about and how you feel) you can actually start changing your life dramatically right away. Developing yourself as a person is an ongoing responsibility that you have to yourself. So don't wait, start developing your wealth muscles now - go out and find mentors who can help you on your path to success, whether it be marketing, real estate, share market or even just yourself as a person. You never stop learning.
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